I’m Sophie Malerba, a Londoner, a Londonphile and very London curious.

For the last five years I have been sharing my love of this marvellous city with visitors who are eager to find out more about London. Yes I can show you the major sites, but I can also show you the unexpected, the unusual and the unique - the things that make London special, to Londoners and visitors alike.

A private guide is ideal for people that want to really get to know a place, to see the major sites, but also the hidden corners. To see London through local eyes, to eat where Londoner’s eat, to shop at local favourites and to chat with local characters. A guide is also great if you are short of time, and want to segway seamlessly through the city, avoiding lines and hold-ups.

The backbone to an excellent London Guide is the Blue Badge. Holders of the badge have undertaken numerous exams, which enables them to guide in London’s most prestigious sites. However it doesn’t stop there. London is a city on the move, forever morphing and changing, full of energy and excitement. You can never know everything about London, you must always be curious